Posts Tagged“Dr. Mark Schusterman”

Body lift surgery helps patients feel comfortable in their own skin after major weight loss People who lose a significant amount of weight often bear a physical reminder in the form of loose, sagging skin. The skin causes a range of medical problems — back pains and chafing, for example — as well as emotional distress. Any joy in losing weight is often tempered by feelings of unhappiness and discomfort. The only way to tighten the skin is through surgery, and one procedure in particular has achieved strong results for patients at Westside Surgical Hospital. Cosmetic surgery physician Dr. Mark…

Recently,Dr. Mark Schusterman performed the body lift procedure on a Missouri City resident who had undergone a gastric bypass and then needed to remove extra tissue and skin. Losing significant amounts of weight leaves patients with pounds of loose skin. The only way to tighten the skin is through surgery. Watch a WSH patient’s story recently featured on FOX-26 TV. To learn more about the procedure, please contact Westside Surgical Hospital at 713-621-5010